The Sum of All the Parts

Why is it so hard to get this first sentence started? I mean, I have the idea behind this next post and I have all sorts of odds and sods floating around in my head that I hope I will be able to form complete thoughts and type it down. I guess I have too much to say that at times, it all wants to come out at once. When I first started this blog way back when, the idea was to discuss my thoughts and views on all things sweet and dessert related as well as discuss my experiences as a small business owner. Through the last year or so this blog has sort of morphed into more self-reflection and gaining more perspective on things. I have found this experience to be quite liberating and cathartic and I have a much greater understanding of who I am, how I process new information, why I question what’s around me and more important then anything, the realization that I am much more then just a pastry chef or just an instructor or just Joeshmoo running to catch the next train.

We are all familiar with typecasting. We usually associate it with movie or rock stars. How many times have we looked at someone and said mentally “I’ve got your number.” How often have we passed judgement on someone because they may not conform to society? Maybe their hair is bright purple or their jeans are sitting at their knees or they talk with a funny voice? How often do we practice compassion and empathy? How many times have you been typecast? Placed into a role that may or may not have been fairly asked for? How many people have tried to put you into a box and tried to make you conform to their ways? Would you even notice if they did?

I have many interests outside of desserts. I love to read, write, go to the movies, try new restaurants, bike and hike. All great hobbies. However, it goes much deeper then that. It sounds a little funny to admit, but I can’t seem to get enough knowledge. The more I learn about the world around me, the more entranced I am by the beauty, the wonder, the curiosity. Even the mundane things that fill up our everyday lives hold a certain amount of attraction for me. I can get lost in the wonder of how the light plays off a reflection in a window. How I can tune into a song of a bird during rush hour traffic. Noticing how the sun warms my face and how the wind feels on my skin during those first weeks of spring. I guess you can say it’s getting lost in the moment.

I find people fascinating. I wonder what they’re thinking. How they’re feeling. How do they react to things. Why did they choose that book to read or that pair of shoes to wear? I people-watch all the time and it has been proven to me that you will learn a lot about someone if you just keep quiet and let them talk. You will learn a lot about people if you observe body language. I am aware of the language from people around me, and I have become more self-aware with what I bring into the environment. The one thing this has taught me is you just never know what’s going on under the surface of someone. What sorts of tragedies and triumphs they’ve experienced. What chains of circumstances has unfolded to create this moment in time? This comes in handy if you teach because a huge amount of time is focused on anticipating a students needs and meeting that challenge head-on. With this, I also enjoy the art of conversation. What’s that you ask? An art form that many say is lost. Having all sorts of conversations with all sorts of people anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t have to be anything profound every time, it just has to be talking, showing people that yes you do have a personality and yes so do I. I believe that everyone you meet will teach you something. So why not open yourself up to that?

Have you ever been in a situation where you are dying to contribute what you have learned or observed and have either been totally put down for it or nobody even cared enough to ask you in the first place? How does that make you feel? I have and it doesn’t make me feel very good. It’s like what I can offer holds no value or is considered less then important. Chances are if you don’t ask, I’m not going to tell you. It’s my responsibility to how I want to react or to feel when this happens, so do I take it on the chin and learn from it or do I stand up and make people notice? There are things that I care too much about, and many things I just don’t give a damn. I have learned for my own piece of mind that there is just some battles I don’t care enough to partake in. Some hills that I choose not to die on if you will.

I like to think of myself as uncomplicated. It doesn’t take much to make me happy or to keep me happy. I’m not perfect nor do I strive to be. But I do try to appreciate the things in life. Appreciate those around me and the lessons I learn. I do have some pretty strong beliefs. I believe in honesty and trust. I believe in friendship and if your friend needs you, your there. I believe in compassion and empathy. I believe in honour and integrity. I believe in being genuine. I believe in love and respect. I believe in professionalism and ethics. I also have some pretty strong intolerance’s. I don’t tolerate abuse or cruelty. I have no patience for egos, selfishness and vanity. I tend to stay away from anyone who shows signs of drama, narcissism, falseness, and entitlement. I can tell pretty quick whether I will gel with someone. I can also spot a phoney when I meet them.

Life is complicated and messy. It’s also simple and beautiful. Everyone can add such greatness to things and it may surprise you where the next great thing will come from. I don’t think we do any justice to ourselves or to others when we start putting limits on people, never giving someone a chance to show what they are made off, what they can do, the potential they have if they are allowed to be who they are. Everyone carries around energy and what we do with that energy can define you. You have the choice to be positive or negative. You have the choice to speak up or shut up. You have the choice to partake or to walk away. You have the choice to do something great in your life, the choice to change something if it’s not working, the choice to lead or to follow. What will you choose and are you strong enough to defend that choice when it’s questioned? What do you bring to the table?

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About anna

Anna is a red seal pastry chef with over 16 years of industry experience. She has worked in high end hotel pastry departments all across Canada and has owned a pastry business called Anna's Indulgence Dessert Bar. Anna has since closed the business so that she can focus on further developing her pastry art skills and is also participating in college courses in order to gain a Vocational Teaching Certificate so that she can instruct pastry or culinary arts.

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